Our library’s digital collections have focused on information of interest to the local community. Bibliographies and biographical dictionaries, with data on the personalities of our region, were the working tools we had in mind in the first place. Of course, the books edited at the initiative of or under the auspices of the library have priority.
The history of the press in Brașov is such an area of interest for us and our county. We have aggregated chronological databases on the history, appearance, and development of the newspapers and magazines in our region. Thus, in alphabetical order, we have made available online the chronology of the German-language press in Brașov County, followed by the Hungarian-language press. The chronology of the Romanian-language press is to be completed. We paid particular attention to one of the regionally important Brasov newspapers, Gazeta Transilvaniei (Transylvania’s Gazette), the longest-running Romanian-language newspaper in Transylvania. The micro-monography of the newspaper was written in 2008, 170 years after its appearance, and is one of the useful syntheses made about this newspaper. The local press continued to be a focus, especially the magazines from Brașov and the surrounding towns, with valuable content that is quite rarely found in the collections of other libraries. Along with Gazeta Transilvaniei and Glasul Ardealului, we digitized the Cocosul rosu, an illustrated humorous newspaper from Brașov since 1876; the magazines Plaiuri sacelene (1934–1940) and Prometeu (1934–1938) from Satulung and Brașov; and the extreme right monthly magazine Glasul Tineretului from Dârste (October 1940–September 1941). Recently, we have turned to librarian-made work tools, namely journal indexes and useful and value-added library materials.
From the library’s collection of publications, we have chosen to digitize unique heritage items, such as the Slavic-Romanian religious manuscript Octoih from the second half of the 16th century, bibliophile editions with the original comments made by influential intellectuals from Brasov, publications about Brasov, and illustrated postcards, which are attractive to our users.