Long-lasting education programs and courses for adults in digital, financial, media literacy, introduction to 3D printing
Romanian language courses for the Ukrainians refugees
Training programs using online platforms for the memory and heritage specialists (archivists, librarians, collectors, photographers, historians, museographers) created in the CRESC, DigiPrior, and Digital Lab projects.
Non-formal education for children through permanent or periodical educational and recreational activities for children in the branches with books for children (branches no.1, 4 and 6)
Reading education for children in social care centers
Programming and robotics clubs for children through the Code Kids Project
Professional training for librarians
Online courses on the Moodle and the LMS platforms
Playgrounds and interaction spaces in the Toy Library of the Excellence Center for children (Branch no. 6), Branch no. 1 and Branch no. 4
Meeting space for the community members and various professionals (teachers, families, artists, artisans)
Sessions of educational and strategy games for groups of adults and children, in various fields, such as environmental protection (CuiB games, Go Goals)