Educational services

  • Long-lasting education programs and courses for adults in digital, financial, media literacy, introduction to 3D printing
  • Romanian language courses for the Ukrainians refugees
  • Training programs using online platforms for the memory and heritage specialists (archivists, librarians, collectors, photographers, historians, museographers) created in the CRESC, DigiPrior, and Digital Lab projects.
  • Non-formal education for children through permanent or periodical educational and recreational activities for children in the branches with books for children (branches no.1, 4 and 6)
  • Reading education for children in social care centers
  • Programming and robotics clubs for children through the Code Kids Project
  • Professional training for librarians
  • Online courses on the Moodle and the LMS platforms
  • Playgrounds and interaction spaces in the Toy Library of the Excellence Center for children (Branch no. 6), Branch no. 1 and Branch no. 4
  • Meeting space for the community members and various professionals (teachers, families, artists, artisans)
  • Sessions of educational and strategy games for groups of adults and children, in various fields, such as environmental protection (CuiB games, Go Goals)