Centrul Cultural German Braşov organizează, împreună cu partenerii săi (Berliner Gazette, asociaţia Laborazon, Pentalog, Biblioteca Judeţeană Braşov şi Centrul Multicultural al Universităţii Transilvania) un eveniment dedicat temei actuale a protecţiei datelor personale şi transparenţei pe internet. Vineri, 12 mai, între 9,00-16,00, la Centrul Cultural German, va avea loc un workshop destinat programatorilor, sociologilor, activiştilor şi jurnaliştilor. Rezultatele acestui workshop vor fi prezentate într-o conferinţă deschisă publicului, cu intrare gratuită, care va avea loc la Centrul Multicultural al Universităţii, sâmbătă, 13 mai, între orele 18,30-21,30. Înscrierile se fac la următoarea legătură https://goo.gl/forms/eWWuAqF5vOX2hokm1). Invităm pe toţi cei interesaţi să se înscrie şi să participe.
Mai jos aveţi detalii:
Friendly Fire: Make Data Love, not Data War
Transparency versus privacy
The status of humans has evolved from social creatures to data producing creatures. Everything we do leaves a data-trace. The accumulation of data from a lot of people, also known as the study of big data can bring commercial profit, but also a social profit if the information is used to generate conclusions or programs that can help society. In the same time, almost everyone is now a user connected to the internet. At every moment, every user generates data that can pe seen by companies, internet service providers or other people. How can people realize which informations are good to giveaway and which are the ones to guard?
We are going to talk about the double sided sword of data in May in Brașov under the umbrella „Friendly Fire – Make Data Love Not Data War”. We are organizing a workshop dedicated to journalists, activists, sociologists, programmers. During the workshop we aim to develop a mini-documentary and some narrative products that explore the issue of transparency versus privacy.
The results of the workshop are going to be presented during a conference open to the public, that is going to take place on May 13th, at Centrul Multicultural al Universității Transilvania.
Centrul Cultural German from Brașov has invited Berliner Gazette to facilitate this event and document it via a film.
Workshop, Friday, 12 May: 09.00-16.00, at Centrul Cultural German, Brașov, str. Lungă nr. 31 (invitational)
Conference, Saturday, 13 May: 18.30-21.30, at Centrul Multicultural al Universității Transilvania, Bul. Eroilor, 29 (free entrance, please subscribe here https://goo.gl/forms/eWWuAqF5vOX2hokm1)
The events are going to use English and Romanian as communication languages.
Info: cultura@kulturzentrum-kronstadt.ro and alina@laborazon.ro, 0722 619 960
The Berliner Gazette Team:
Sabrina Apitz
Michael Prinzinger
Leonie Geiger
Andi Weiland
Centrul Cultural German Braşov | Deutsches Kulturzentrum Kronstadt
Berliner Gazette Redaktion
Laborazon Maker Space
Biblioteca George Baritiu
Centrul Multicultural al Universității Transilvania din Brașov
Berliner Gazette is organizing conferences and events for more than 10 years. They are aggregating activists, journalists, philosophers, makers and they are generating idea exchanges with an impact in society. These are the outputs of the Tacit Future Conference that happened in Berlin in October: http://berlinergazette.de/tacit-futures/
Centrul Cultural German Brașov is active into promoting German contemporary culture and European values.
Laborazon is an NGO that has the mission to promote creativity, art and technology.